Information Resources Template
Names: Ashton Booher, Kit Compton, Leanna
Subject: Health
Unit of Study: D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance
Grade: 5th
Essential Questions:
1.What are the different types of drugs and their effect on your body?
2.What strategies will you use to prevent from using drugs?
3.What does the media say about drugs?
4.What are your beliefs about drugs?
5.What types of behaviors will prevent you from using drugs?
2.What strategies will you use to prevent from using drugs?
3.What does the media say about drugs?
4.What are your beliefs about drugs?
5.What types of behaviors will prevent you from using drugs?
3. Students will demonstrate the ability
to practice behaviors that enhance health and reduce risks.
4. Students will analyze the influence
of personal beliefs, culture, mass media, technology, and other factors on
6. Students will demonstrate the ability
to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.