Title: The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone
Author: Stan and Han Berenstain
ISBN: 9780679836124
Annotated Reference:
Berenstain, Stan, and Jan Berenstain. The Berenstain Bears and the Drug Free Zone. New York:
Random House, 1993. Print. This book relates to the D.A.R.E. program because it discusses drugs
and would be an interesting way for the teacher to introduce the topic of drugs. It would also be a
good way for the students to relate to the topic because Berenstain Bears is such a popular book
Title: The Dirt on Drugs: A Dateable Book
Author: Justin Lookadoo
ISBN: 9780800759193
Annotated Reference:
Lookadoo, Justin. The Dirt on Drugs: A Dateable Book. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2005. Print. This is
a book that reveals factual information that students might have a question about. It is a very
straightforward book that would probably be better used as information for the teacher.
Link: The Dirt on Drugs
Title: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use and Abuse
Author: Paul M. Gahlinger
ISBN: 9780452285057
Annotated Reference:
Gahlinger, Paul M. Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to Their History, Chemistry, Use and Abuse.
New York: Plume, 2004. Print. This would be a good reference for teachers to draw off of in their
class on drugs. It provides the teacher with history and abuse of drugs.
Link: Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide
Title: Berenstain Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring
Author: Stan and Jan Berenstain
ISBN: 0590944738
Annotated Reference:
Berenstain, Stan. Berenstain Scouts and the
Sinister Smoke Ring. February 1997. Print. This book is
great for children and provides large font and many pictures. It will grab
children's attention about
drug awareness and provide them with basic knowledge
about alcohol and other drugs.
Link: The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Sinister Smoke Ring
Title: Junior Drug Awareness: How to Say No
Author: Virginia Aronson
Annotated Reference:
Aronson, Virginia. Junior Drug Awareness: How
To Say No. Print. This book is a great reference for
both students and teachers. It will teach students how to gain confidence in
resisting alcohol and
other drugs. Students will learn new ways to say no to
peer pressure and how to stand up to their
peers when they are offered drugs.
Link: Junior Drug Awareness: How to Say No
Title: Junior Drug Awareness: Alcohol
Author: Terri Peterson Smith
Annotated Reference:
Peterson, Terri. Junior Drug Awareness.
Chelsea House, 2008. Print. This book provides important
facts about alcohol.
This book talks about where alcohol first came in the world and how we use it
as a recreational drug today. It also describes how other nations and cultures
use alcohol and what
the rules and regulations are outside of the United
Title: What are Drugs?
Author: Gretchen Super and Blanche Sims
ISBN: 0816723648
Annotated Reference:
Super, Gretchen, and Blanche Sims. What Are Drugs? [Mahwah, N.J.]: Troll Associates, 1990.
Print. Examines, in simple text and illustrations, what drugs are, what they can do to your body, and
the problems of drug addiction.
Link: What Are Drugs?
Title: When a Family is in Trouble
Author: Marge Heegaard
ISBN: 096205027X
Annotated Reference:
Heegaard, Marge Eaton. When a Family Is in Trouble: Children Can Cope with Grief from Drug and Alcohol Addiction. Minneapolis MN: Woodland, 1993. Print.“Story book based on facts that explains the effects of children on drugs. Even more it goes into detail about why and how children get hooked on drugs and alcohol."
Link: When a Family is in Trouble
Title: Coloring Book: Smart Kids Say No to Drugs
SKU: 401-20629
Annotated Reference:
"Coloring Book: Smart Kids Say NO to Drugs." Promotional Custom Imprinted With Logo. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>. Why would anyone be dumb enough to take drugs, drink alcohol or smoke, which messes absolutely everything up? asks this book in a straightforward witty style. 16-pages with complete storyline. Creative characters teach valuable lessons.
Link: Smart Kids Say No to Drugs